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Starfield Summit III:

Meaningful Measures for Primary Care
Washington, D.C. - October 4-6, 2017


Starfield III was a working conference that brought together a small yet powerful collective of experts and stakeholders.

Continued widespread dissatisfaction with measures is evidence of continued need for solution. Starfield III was intended to:

  • Begin/evolve a set of key criteria to inform measure development

  • Revise/refine a framework for primary care measures based on what matters most

  • Consider/advance a set of essential primary care measures


Seventy national and international leaders participated in a 2½ day conference. Prior to the Summit, participants read a series of conference briefs and publications to ensure knowledge held in common.

Participants were organized into ten working groups and held a series of focused discussions on previously shared quality areas and guidance for primary care measure development. The work of each group and the large group discussions were digitally recorded.


We require new thinking and a unified vision across primary care settings and stakeholders. Development of meaningful measures will need to address the difference between what we know how to measure and what we need most to understand. Starfield III identified new ways of thinking, areas of critical measurement gaps, and prioritized avenues for solution.

Steering Committee

  • Larry A. Green, MD (Chair) – University of Colorado School of Medicine

  • Rebecca S. Etz, PhD (Principle Investigator) – Department of Family Medicine and Population Health, VCU

  • Andrew Bazemore, MD – American Board of Family Medicine

  • Ted Ganiats, MD – National Center for Excellence in Primary Care Research, AHRQ

  • Rita Mangione-Smith – University of Washington

  • CJ Peek, PhD – University of Minnesota

  • Bob Phillips, MD, MSPH – Center for Professionalism and Value in Health Care

  • Eileen Reynolds, MD and Eric Bass, MD – Society of General Internal Medicine

  • Kurt Stange, MD, PhD – Center for Community Health Integration



The Starfield Summit III resulted from the generous collaboration of a wide range of partners and team members. Every organization and person listed here was critical to our success.

A heartfelt thank you to them all and to the Starfield III participants.


American Board of Family Medicine Foundation
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Family Medicine for America’s Health
North American Primary Care Research Group
Virginia Commonwealth University

Organizational Partners

American Board of Family Medicine
The Robert Graham Center
Society for General Internal Medicine
World Organizations of Family Doctors
X4 Health